ATLE SIS/Data Administrator PLN - SQL Series
Mark your calendars for February 12, 2025: ATLE SIS/Data Administrator PLN - SQL Series Part 2 - This session is the second session of a multi-part series. All are welcome!
ATLE is offering to help school division IT and SIS staff gain some background understanding and capabilities with SQL. SQL is the language used by PowerSchool and many other programs to extract information directly out of the database - as such, while we will focus on PowerSchool, knowledge of this language is broadly applicable.
The session will be delivered online via ATLE Zoom on February 12, 2025 from 2-3 pm by Brian Wynder, the data coordinator at Elk Island Catholic Schools.
You will be emailed a calendar invitation with the session details after this registration is received and processed. Read more about it and sign up here
A note from ATLE's SIS/Data Administrator PLN leader, Brian Wynder:
My goal as always is twofold:
1) To tease out best practices and lessons learned which can benefit everyone in the group
2) To identify general skill or knowledge gaps in the province and brainstorm ways that we as a group can arrange for them to be filled
Today's topic: How do we navigate the complicated relationship we have with data?
Data, in and of itself, is almost never the solution. In fact, sometimes it can itself be the problem.
The GPS, poorly configured, could take is in the complete wrong direction if we are not careful.
In this session we are going to explore as a group our own understanding of how the data we collect or generate can, for good or for ill, guide us. This will include discussions about topics such as:
- How do we choose or define metrics?
- How do we interpret or work with anecdotal data?
- At what point do we start to think that the data we have obtained is painting an accurate picture of what we are looking at?
School Information Systems Supports & Data Analysis

Webinars and workshops will be built around the idea of collecting, managing, and analyzing school data using platforms such as:
- PowerSchool
- Looker Studio
- Google BigQuery
- Microsoft PowerBI
And others as identified by the community.
Our PLNs are custom-tailored to best meet identified topics and PL models identified by our ATLE members.
Our team is currently contacting those who identified as being interested in leading or co-leading a PLN group. If you are interested in being part of our SIS Supports & Data PLN, please indicate that on the survey or reach out directly to ProLearn.

Our annual conference for division-level SIS Administrators across the province.
At this conference we will:
- work with PASI data (collection, submission, management best practices within PASI or when linked with PowerSchool SIS).
- interact with key vendors of SIS related products and services across the province, including representatives from Red Tape Reduction at Alberta Education.
- develop professional skills relating to managing SIS systems, managing/designing data collection processes, performing data analysis, etc.
- have sessions for beginners as well as seasoned veterans.
- feature software specific focus groups for PowerSchool SIS, SchoolEngage, and a variety of other software packages.