Cyber Breach Simulation Exercise: Case Study
Register here and we'll send you the calendar invitation with the Meet link scheduled for Thursday, January 23, 10AM - noon. All are welcome. This online session has been put together for you by the ATLE Cybersecurity PLN in partnership with our stakeholders from Edmonton Public Schools. A big thank you goes to the EPSB Cybersecurity Team for offering to share their impactful project with us all.
This webinar-style session will provide an overview of a Cyber Breach Simulation Exercise conducted by Edmonton Public Schools earlier this year. The session will detail the rationale and process for the exercise as well as key findings, and the organization's response to the simulated breach. Participants will gain valuable insights into preparing for and responding to potential cyber breaches.

Interested in working with others to ensure the best safety and security for your school/division? Discuss, debate, collaborate, share, problem-solve.
Our PLNs are custom-tailored to best meet identified topics and PL models identified by our ATLE members.
Our team is currently contacting those who identified as being interested in leading or co-leading a PLN group. If you are interested in being part of our Cybersecurity PLN, please indicate that on the survey or reach out directly to ProLearn.