ProLearn is...Professional Learning

Welcome to ProLearn, ATLE's professional learning community

The ATLE's professional learning community, ProLearn, offers meaningful professional development opportunities. Whether events, meetups, podcasts or other, organized by us or by you, we're eager to partner with our members and, at times, other associates, to help us all level up and make a difference within regions across the province.

Need assistance with a regional technology and learning event? Looking for help getting the word out about local and regional initiatives? Want to build capacity in your work by supporting and leveraging ATLE ProLearn networks? Looking for some grant support for a local initiative that benefits teaching and learning? Please Contact Us to set up a conversation.

Have feedback from a PLN session you've attended? Let us know in the Feedback form!

Click the links below and to the left to learn more about specific ProLearn current initiatives.

What do ProLearn activities look like?

A number of activity types have been offered in the past, and now that we are launching our professional learning networks/PLNs we look forward to broadening our range of professional learning formats as time evolves.

1. Events

Our small events, in person and/or online, all address areas of interest that we weave together in person at ATLE's large events - the Emerge Conference, in May, and ATLE's signature annual event, the Convergence Conference, in October.

Recent events include

  • meetups - online robotics PLN, spaced/paced book studies - topics: digital ethics, educational leadership, blended learning, inclusive learning
  • half day sessions (north/south/online) - inclusive learning, 3D printing, 'Let's Talk Security' Event
  • full day symposium events - eSports, cybersecurity
  • conferences - Administrative Assistants' provincial conference, SIS Coordinators' provincial conference, Emerge conference (previously JTC)
  • and more...

...with more to come!

2. Opportunities

In support of Policy Direction 2 of the Learning and Technology Policy Framework (LTPF), ATLE is pleased to offer up to $6000.00 in funding to member projects as part of our Professional Learning Plan. 

Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) 

ATLE's professional learning networks empower members to cross-pollinate our collective expertise and wisdom across Alberta (and beyond) in niche areas of focus as well as learn from other educational providers (from industry and elsewhere) that fit our audiences in timely and relevant ways.

Each Fall, our PLNs are shaped to the pathways identified by members and others who complete our professional learning survey. This way, ATLE remains agile in bringing together stakeholders to collaboratively engage in areas of focus that best suit our community right now.

If you have not yet completed this year's survey, please do so today. 

Take the ATLE Connect 2024-2025 PL survey!

Take the ATLE Connect 2024-2025 PL survey!

What we hear from you shapes our work! So far (updated September, 2024) for the 2024-2025 academic year, we see continuing interest in several PLN areas - add your voice to our composite and let's see what new topics we can advance this year!

  1. Administrative Assistants PLN - over half of respondents fit this demographic, as the survey was distributed across both the Convergence and the Admin Assistants' conferences in October

  2. Google Workspace / GEG

  3. IT Best Practices

  4. Artificial Intelligence in Education 

  5. Digital Citizenship

  6. Cybersecurity

  7. SIS Leaders PLN

  8. eSports

  9. Vendor-sponsored tools forums

  10. (3-way tie for #10) eLearning - online and blended learning / Makerspaces and 3D printing / Robotics

Other PLNs for the 2023-2024 school year, which target specific areas within our membership, include:

  • PIA Leadership
  • SIS Leaders PLN

ATLE ProLearn is intentional about our members' professional learning pathways. We urge you to get involved as participant and/or as a lead. To learn more, contact us.

ATLE ProLearn Committee members can be reached at

  • Janet Bell (Chair)
  • Memorese Walter
  • Ernest Aleixandre
  • Jason Kwasny
  • Brian Wynder
  • Daylene Lauman
  • Alison Hancox  
  • More to be confirmed - Interested in joining us? Please email