On the first day of Christmas...
On the first day of Christmas, ATLE gave to me........... Esports MeetUps to Grow the Community We're pleased to launch this PLN with a series of Esports-focused meetups after school on December 11, January 8, February 5, and March 12, from 4-5 PM, with Jesse Sadlowski, who has long been championing Esports in Lethbridge and beyond. Sign Up For our First Meet Up on December 11 We'll be introducing…
Date posted: Dec 5th
Fall Back into ATLE Professional Learning Networks
What's New? As the whirlwind of September and October settles, our team has been hard at work organizing new opportunities and connections to enhance our professional learning networks and set our agendas for the upcoming school year. Website Updates We've been updating our website. Visit the Professional Learning (ProLearn) pages to explore and sign up for groups that interest you. More updates to…
Date posted: Nov 8th
Welcome Back to the 2024-2025 School Year
As the 2024-2025 academic year kicks off, we extend a warm welcome to our dedicated community of IT professionals, Educational Technologists (ET), Student Information System (SIS) specialists, and all school support staff. It's an especially exciting year this year, as not only is our premiere event - the Convergence Conference - approaching quickly, but our PLNs are just about ready to launch once…
Date posted: Sep 16th
It's Summer! And we're smart-tracking our way into the new year!
Wishing our ATLE communities a restful and rejuvenating Summer of 2024! But before you shut down your laptops entirely, mark your calendar with these Fall dates and opportunities! July 15 - ATLE Convergence Proposal Submission Deadline - submit your Convergence proposal today! October 16-18 - ATLE Convergence Conference at the Markin MacPhail Centre in Calgary - Register here! October 24-25 - ATLE…
Date posted: Jun 28th
Lots of Googley events to wrap up May and June! Join us!
Join us for some morning, lunchtime and after-school sessions, tailored for our IT, ET and Leadership stakeholder groups! Bringing Gemini to Google Workspace for Education - Join this exciting Gemini launch! - May 23, 9:30-10:15 AM MT (Excerpt from Google is pasted from here) "At Google for Education, we believe AI is going to help students, educators, and school communities unlock new ways of working,…
Date posted: May 21st
E-learning - online and blended learning - PLN Meet-Ups after school Apr 3/17/May 1 - Join Us!
In lead-up to the upcoming ATLE Emerge conference in May, join our e-learning PLN - all meetings are after school, from 4-5 PM MTN. Our first meeting was on Wednesday, March 20 at 4 PM, with followup meetings slated for April 3, April 17, and May 1. Did you know? There are over 40 online and blended learning programs on Alberta Education's Online Learning Directory? With such diversity and choice…
Date posted: Apr 2nd