On the first day of Christmas, ATLE gave to me........... Esports MeetUps to Grow the Community
We're pleased to launch this PLN with a series of Esports-focused meetups after school on December 11, January 8, February 5, and March 12, from 4-5 PM, with Jesse Sadlowski, who has long been championing Esports in Lethbridge and beyond.
Sign Up For our First Meet Up on December 11
We'll be introducing everyone to the New Alberta Scholastic Esports League (ASEL). Additionally, we will be exploring other leagues that people are participating in and discussing what an esports season entails. We'll also open the floor for a discussion around player burnout and ways to facilitate a healthy esports season. Come join the conversation!
Important Esports Save the Dates:
- ATLE Esports Professional Learning Event: January 29, Red Deer
- AESA Alberta Esports Championships May 10 and 11, Location TBC