ATLE proudly partners with those whose work align with ours. Some partnerships are more formal, others more informal, and yet others are temporary, aligned with specific initiatives or events.
We are excited to share our partners with you as we highly value their contributions to the success of ATLE as a forward-thinking and responsive organization.
We are also proud of how we likewise help our partners realize their own educational, philanthropic and/or corporate vision.
In general, our partners can be divided into two categories, organizational and corporate.
If your organization or company is interested in exploring potential synergies of working with ATLE, please Contact Us to set up a conversation.
Organizational Partnerships
We are pleased to partner, whether formally or more informally, with organizations whose missions are similar to ours.
Three such partnerships are with IT for Dominica, TCEA, and ERLC / ARPDC.
ATLE and IT for Dominica Partnership

From the early days of ATLE onwards, there has been a parallel between ATLE's work within Alberta, building technology infrastructure and technology integration capacity within school districts, and the IT for Dominica Foundation's work within Dominica, building capacity of teachers and leaders integrating technology within the Commonwealth of Dominica. Not surprising, perhaps, when several of the people who grew the ATLE organization are the same as those who grew the IT for Dominica Foundation, and much of the work of the IT for Dominica Foundation has been impacted by IT and ET leaders in school districts across Alberta, who have shared resources including valuable IT and ET expertise to projects in this island that is so far from our province geographically.
For some years now, ATLE has helped promote opportunities for Albertan IT and ET leads to volunteer in Dominica, to help build and evergreen technology infrastructure in schools and to provide ongoing professional development support for teachers in Dominica in their annual IT for Dominica Summer Institute, a two-week professional learning opportunity in July.
Feedback from Dominicans and Albertans has been tremendously positive. IT for Dominica's partnerships with ATLE and other major partners, such as the Alberta Teachers' Association, the Rotary Club of Lethbridge East and the Rotary Club of Portsmouth, Dominica, capture a kind of synergy not just between the educational organizations but also, from the Summer Institute experiences, from our shared experiences as classroom teachers trying our best to help our students learn to embrace competencies they need to have to succeed today.
For some years, ATLE has also sponsored a Dominican teacher-leader to travel to Alberta in October to attend the Convergence Conference.
During Covid-19, ATLE was able to welcome many Dominican teachers to its annual Convergence Conference, held online. Since 2020, we have welcomed the virtual delivery of a message of gratitude and the identification of next steps as offered by a Dominican representative from the IT for Dominica Board.
Input ATLE receives from IT for Dominica contributes to the collective input that guides our work here in Alberta and beyond. Our Robotics PLN was first created in response to a request from Dominica. Our book chats have welcomed participants from as far away as Dominica, and the IT for Dominica Foundation has supported Dominican teachers by providing the books for our Dominican participants.
We are excited to continue to collaborate with IT for Dominica on its Board of Directors (two ATLE members), and on the ground by volunteering to help where we can in this grassroots partnership that is truly authentic and ongoing.
View the IT for Dominica website.
ATLE and TCEA Partnership

ATLE has been pleased to partner with Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA). TCEA serves approximately 28,000 members, providing an array of learning opportunities. Key features of the partnership:
- Members of ATLE receive free membership in TCEA as part of the agreement. During the initial free period of time, members can explore free resources (webinars, podcasts, online resources) available via TCEA.
- ATLE receives three free registrations to the TCEA Conference and Exhibition. TCEA receives two free registrations and an exhibition booth at Convergence.
- There will be some co-marketing messaging.
- ATLE can access an outstanding team of TCEA professional development staff as resources for Convergence and ProLearn programming.
Learn more about the fantastic learning opportunities offered by our partner TCEA on their website.
ATLE and ERLC/APLC Partnership

ATLE and ERLC have been working together since 2021 to promote and support each other's professional learning opportunities where our stakeholder groups overlap - particularly, when providing educational technology and computational thinking-related sessions for classroom teachers and teacher-leaders.
ERLC provides educational technology sessions and ATLE includes these ERLC educational technology learning opportunities on our Events Calendar. ERLC likewise promotes ATLE key events that fit their stakeholders through their newsletter.
ERLC has co-sponsored ATLE keynotes who support the development of digital literacies, promoted ATLE events, and provided other ad hoc support from time to time where our work aligns.
ERLC has also provided specific curriculum-focused sessions, such as providing a vision for what Computer Science in the new Science curriculum can look like, at ATLE's Spring leadership event, Emerge.
We look forward to exploring additional alignments with ERLC as the year unfolds! View the ERLC website.
Corporate Partnerships
We are pleased to partner, whether formally or more informally, with corporate sponsors who would like to support our work that overlaps with theirs from time to time.
Recent partnership stories from the 2022-2024 school years include
- sponsorship support from Microsoft Education Canada at our April esports event, hosted in Microsoft's training facility in Calgary.
- sponsorship support from Texthelp at our shared February Inclusive Learning event, hosted at the Doubletree West hotel in Edmonton. Texthelp also provided the keynote and copies of the companion book, Inclusive Learning 365, a book selection for one of ATLE's 2022-2023 book studies.
- In October, 2024, ISTE informally supported ATLE by providing access to books for teachers in Dominica engaged in our book study.
- sponsorship support from over 50 sponsors, many of whom return annually, to sponsor our signature ATLE Convergence Conference event each October, at vendor booths, as prize donators, as connected event sponsors, and much more behind the scenes. We know that our ongoing relationships with Convergence sponsors provides opportunities for even more synergies to be realized and look forward to continuing conversations.