ATLE Board Appoints Cathy King as Executive Director

Cathy has spent over 20 years developing innovative education programs to support a variety of learning communities. A self-professed science and ‘ed tech geek’, Cathy thrives on building partnerships and collaborations to help propel learning communities forward. Through her extensive leadership and organizational development training, Cathy parlays both her practical program development experience and trademark enthusiasm into actionable strategies. The real catalyst for Cathy though, is being able to support the K-12 education community through professional learning who in turn are educating her son. Cathy’s broad background supports her diverse passions and interests - everything from pastoral care to track and field to the quest for original Star Wars collectibles.
When not passionately involved in educational developments you can find Cathy, her husband, son and two dogs out enjoying the great outdoors either camping, hiking, biking, fishing, golfing, and skiing or playing baseball, tennis, and soccer. Cathy also enjoys global travel and music with her son, jamming on the piano while he riffs on his tenor sax.
Cathy can be reached at 587-747-7715 or by e-mail at