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On the third day of Christmas...

On the third day of Christmas, ATLE gave to me...........three types of membership to join the community!


Did you know that access to our PLN's are a benefit of being an ATLE Member?

Your ATLE membership provides year-round professional learning opportunities in technology, learning and leadership. ATLE helps you serve your school district with the best and most current information out there.

  • Learning and networking opportunities including Professional Learning Networks (PLNs)
  • Exciting conferences and events 
  • Peer support and advocacy
  • ProLearn financial and logistical support

We offer three types of individual memberships:

Regular Member

Associate Member

Academic Member

We also provide authority group plan memberships which can be initiated by a senior IT or ED Leadership member in your jurisdiction. The authority group plan makes it possible for any employee of the jurisdiction to hold a membership in ATLE at no personal cost. 

Not sure if you are a member? Click Here





Admin Assistants