Listen to our three guest speakers Vance Beblow, David Hay and Corbett Artym as they speak about how eSports is engaging students, bringing about more human connections, building relationships and connecting learning.
- Vance Beblow is a Learning Development specialist for Alberta and the prairie provinces. He’s taught grades 6-10 in Southern Alberta . He’s passionate about integrating technology into the classroom experience. You can get a hold of Vance directly here, and see what he’s up to on Twitter.
- David Hay, Callysto Ambassador at Cybera Inc. and teacher in North Central Alberta. He's also on Twitter.
- Corbett Artym is a high school teacher in Edmonton and his Twitter handle is https://twitter.com/corbott.
- HSEL - https://www.highschoolesportsleague.com/
- NASEF - https://www.esportsfed.org/
- Equipment Requirements